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Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release v4.8 With Crack: How to Activate and Use It


Iv THB TB WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY MAY 5 1907 19O 9I MATTINGLY TOP MAN MANDefeats AN ANDefeatsDefeats Lard and Harban HarbanH ilarbanHtuidilyH nlldiIy at Golf GolfCOLUJlBa Go1fCOLUMBILCOLUJlBa WINS MOST PRIZES PRIZESTake PRIZESTakeTake All IR but OBI On 1roilll In MatchPlayIt Match UatckPlaRPlaR n B ITnOa ROJ and D 11 Mac Mactitarn IactlaRltlaRl Show Ull II Iijooiah1y Ieo a II Wet ell ellOO leCRIHRloa DonrnN GrONK Jntl Jntlll uuttTIeNll TIeN K RIllGoOtl Ila PIy the Rule RuleAA 8 MajngIY Jttingly Columbia carried oft otetl1 oftttittl1 chIef honors at the annual 8PIita 8PIitatournament prtngtijurnarnelittournament of o the Columbia Golt Club ClublId Chb1iIc1i1iIc1i lId was hr brought ught to a close yesterday yesterdayXl yesterdayxtptXl xtpt > pt in the decision of one prlae the thenet thentnet core handicap prtse prtseIr prtzeMrMr Ir Mattingly played W S Harbun In Intle tntLetle final round for the club cup and won wonllimdily won wonhandilyhandily b 3 up and 1 to play Deaplte Deapltett ih I fact that 1latUncly began the final finalrlund finalrundrlund with a rather bad headache he helIil heuiLlne1lIil uiLlne1 ntalned g gd > xt form throughout his hi8Ili hisutchIli utch teh and some of his spectacular work workrpptd workpdrpptd pd out In several Itance Itanceft iAstances iAstancesAftcrAftcr ft r pllilirg his ball behind a stump stumpfrin tumpfrolllfrolll the tee for the second hole Mat Mattingly Mat1igiytingly mad n beautiful recovery by using ulftCallall iron With a left hand swIng that car carritd cartheritd the ball nearly to the green ri8 ri8Jriyp la ladrivedrive off th the court however co cost t him a ast arrkest toke ant the hole as Harblul won wonitit 4 t J i Hot Ii rimmed the CUP on the third thirdgru thirdgrengru for Lt 5 and the next twe holes wen wenhaed we wehdsedhaed In and 4 respectively tlvelY Harban Harbanwissing Harbenniseingwissing a sixfO t putt 10f a S at the fifth ftfthhk fifthafterhk after Yattlqly had lost a stroke atrokedri b btinuingdri tinuing ing Into the bank acing the We Welattht LeeMattluglyMattlugly lattht d SttUtrWl Jfatch Jfatchlr iatehtMrMr lr Mattiqly drove into a I bunker unkelto oIn oIntoto the sixth hole and this cost him a atroke astrokestroke and GOthbole another hole so that Dr Bar Barhan 14rbanhan gained a lead of up Matt1qJ won woathe wonthethe seventh In 4 to i which left tI eon01 1 wn Vith a putt of fifteen feet at attingly MMtinglytingly captured the eighth th bole ho e I in 4 1 to toan toI1an I1 by halving the rest hole he was aU aUSljuare allstuareSljuare at the turn tumCJmlng turnCmtngCJmlng home Dr Barba won the thelIHEnth theeleventheleventh but bit be saiL two ud theft theftwon thenwwon w n the fourteenth which h de l him m an allV0 annV0 n apia TIM nest ur e boIft e ewon wjerewonwon tn uoceuton by 1ilattllY IIflnc IIflnchim Ing Inghimhim the match by 3 up aDd 1 to play playTIir P7rTIir r ir c card follow followS1 S 4 laumalr laumalrOut Coonbla CoonblaJutOut Jut t 45551 I 1St I t lO lOI fO fOInIn I I I 13 I 3 I IWW v s H Hnut Hubss CoJuisnut 4 t I I 11 t f IIG IIGin i I IJIIJII II ii11i11Y4l ii11i11Y4l1y f II f f 41 41IiIi 1y boJea hO Waj WajLardboJeaLardLard loet3 ctt Debut DefontInIn the HlDlba18 for the first IIIxteen IIIxteeninin the forenoon A A a JIa Mttiflgly Ia y took the thel1 th thfliIsurel1 iasure of Allan Lard winner of of1n the theTnited1n Tnited ted North ad South outh championship at atlillPhurst at1itiiiiurstlillPhurst last month monthLard nionthLardLard won on a b bellow w yJctory In the finals llaalsaa t Pinehurst by beating Nathaniel Moore MooreI MoeeenWrntsIaI JlWtntsla 1 10 up Mid to plaY after afterhad afterMM r c had put out sueh uch line golfers as asHtrleshoff asIHtrleshoff I and Woods both of whom whomJlaYtd whomriayedJlaYtd here tn CoJumbla tournament tournament1a8tItt year far and are accounted two of the thest thett st play players rs In tM country countryMr11 MatUnKly was on hh ncttle tttle and andexptritnced andexperiencedexperienced little trouble In gttlng tJ ahead aheadflf f his o oppoe P M1t who couldnt equal Mat Mattinglys Mattirigystinglys beat Kat Matthigly ft8JY loft the second secondwun secondvwun v n the tbhd third lost the fourth aDd then thenwon thenWflwon four boa III siaceesekm fluI1l1 vIaS him himdd 1 lead of 3 up Katuqly lost tile twelfth twelftlahJt twelfthhhJt h II and wee the IIbteeatla where he hetok hetoktok the ma by I up and J Zb tit llay llayThtlr jilayTheirTheir c carduiellow carduiellowIttUt1y M1ow u u1ltt1ltt IttUt1y IttUt1yilt II 5 t 7 S 5 511 145641611 145641611tngLy 5 I ILfLf tngLy tngLyLarl lI I 4 r 3 5 3 I r rLarLar 4 4t53l37ll 4t53l37llErnun S S I S I I 5CC 5CCEnoREnoR Anti act1RRI lJay Ia Well WellE cIl cIlII E n Eynol1 Columbia played spies spiesgolf1 golf In both b matches yesterday yeaterdayforfor the first prim oered to the second OIIdsldn secondsixteensixteen In the forenoon he defeated defeatedRichard defeatedRichardRichard BaldwIn Wlba1ncton Country COUlltryCiub CountryCiuhCiub 1 up III 1 1 bola In the 8eml sendfinals sendfinalsa naJ8 naJ8al1al1 a nil In the final round be defeated James JameaItird JamesitItird it ird Columbia by 1 up D H Mac Kac1lm MacAcltrnAcltrn 1lm Cokunbla took the first prim of offlrd of1rciflrd for the third sixteen by winning wtnainrII b h his matches handily bandUyII In n the ba handicap dlcap stroke 8JDpedtloa 8JDpedtloaOtJnhy cempedtloaHinetlyOtJnhy McCammo Chevy cu WOO WOOth wonthth gross IICOre re prim with a and tied tiedwith tiedwithwith F EIIIa Chevy Chase for the net netsor netsorsor prime with 71 This tie win be bephyed liepttyedphyed off Oft the Columbia course nevt nevtweek itertweekweek The cards of the two set more morewinners re rewmnfrswinners follow followrm followflnIWrm flnIW h Icau CIIn7 cas CiINi CiINiIIlIt tb tbthtIIlIt ItS II Ie s 31114 31114I I IInIn I S 3371 S 11411414 t f itl II IIIpI EIJia CbftJ Chs CIIpp CIIppIIut t tputIIut put 11 1 I 4 I S I IIn 1fl 1flInIn 1 1311131111104fl 1311131111104flPlie 3 I t I I I ITheThe SHIHIHIUleH SHIHIHIUleH8UnmrJ SHmmarieAA summary of yesterdays results lGaIUfull In Infullfull fono fonoJo follow followliNtJo liNt llt ainem Si5t5fl511ShA J IL 5 1IattiRllY itdnly 0 0lumhia iblimhislumhia defaUd waD 1 lard 3 lip lipto a40 to via ilat W 8 Harllaa Isrlii 0aIII IasiiUIIl t tmiwlsiiUIIl miwl 1 DaIRD CIInr we th I up and 5 to pia pialillalattmtJ pier pieruina1tetXIngIylillalattmtJ leet t B Harben S up lid 1 tl tlIottCnd toctTndIottCnd Iiteen8ealfime ft a a111A aou Oo Oota111A dt defeated tted IUc Richard ard 1WIhri Wu W1thgtoe O atrY en entrytrY Club I up in 2 hake 1 Asses IIaIId CoIaaIIia CoIaaIIiad Cbiedtfeiu1d dtfeiu1 attd Eo F F 1Add fbny bry cu I up ud 3 to to1lay toliat1lay iDalEJaon best Baird 1 up upThird u uThirdThird siS izteu8oniflns1sA lDalrA B B 8tIeboB 8tIeboBN fleiio cease ceaselisN lis defeated R K B rowIa Co COIkiI t lIP end 3 3I 3tI plat la II H MaeAdaa C Csiumh haabia defated G GT OIT 8malhrood CoIwa ohsels 2 up id 1 to toinallacAdut pley pleyFinatMecAdaminallacAdut beat 1fIbeIt behtm I ep p and S to tourth toFirthFirth urth sixtftnSlaHDaJaP L keeIe Co Cownb CeIumbiLIumbiL wnb defeated E P G OreeiwZt t Co1eaIs 1 1in it in JI holes 8Maue1 hUrTle Cbn7 CIIue CIIueA setsi setsiEE A G Guxle Pmsdma 3 lip ud I ao aoFinalBania pi piuiaIhlsMFinalBania beat lhesh 3 1Ip aM S ao pLY pLYnsglatiOD pierneItiotnsglatiOD defeated e at d ftnt b bt bUea bUealIna1Ct wtnele lIna1C W N Jey W Woodlad utd lufestaJE Jl JlEE Mitchell WIJaJ 1 lip sad I ao play pIuJJ C Duws eaalIia defeated H V Vuillmbta Osafiferd OsafiferdIoItUnb4Luillmbta 5 up and S to Play FlDdDa FlDdDarat Ftha1vIdsaa Ftha1vIdsaabestrat St ete > es 3 111 and 1 to play pla7Ot1 playtmeo1aticntmeo1aticn Ot1 olation 4lleakd IIPt CI f aDd on on8emiflnaleF 1II Ieamit1nahFmit1nahF a 1oW cwada defeated W P PHam PlieuHam Cb y Chase 3 up aDd M I to pia play J J 1 x xrow M Mrowrow Columbia c1deated W r lsbi Ija1 up FiDalPrie beat Qnw t lIP sod 1 to toI1aHUCaIJ pisy pisyHandicapHandicap Stroke COllllJUtUlon COllllJUtUlonQQ Qiesi JWp X XII lcCaDllllOII CI1et7 Chat ce I IEII pp ppFF EII Ella 8 Chevy J CIuuIe I IIt pp ppIiIt A Weavv ea Cobie pp U pp ppAA 0 1IatriDlr Cobk fi n 11 11n 15Un JWi lbtf Cease pp U ii1 1 R It P1e > 1f Columbia fi 11 11 11JJ 3 c Hai b u C ease fi S SI 11 11ItIt I K J Jeekoi 01 lhlafi lhlafiy 11 11 11JJ y T Hoqgh 01111II I IH a aItH T Harding ChI8aIII N 12 12I fi fiAA I Meaton aton Columbia ColumbiaJI aJI Ldtua bet ChaIt II IIt 11Ht JI Wracir ft Culumba olumhi 11 11II fi fiIII I i F Wear tolumWa I 11 11WW F Ham Chef ChIle I1 1 1 L Day Ba uoclIbana Baunuctlsru3S 11 11 11OO H Wood ood BaIwoc Ranuoctbn1 1 W WF ppFF Frauds Cohubi11t 11 11HERRESHOFl 1 jg jgHERRESHOFFHERRESHOFl WINS GOLF CUP CUPGarlen CUPGardenGarden City EXlcrt Dcfea Dr Carr Carrat Careatat AtlantIc CH CHAtlantic ClEF ClEFAtlanticAtlantic Cft City N J 7 May 4Fre4 Pr Her Herre Herreahoftre reahoft hotf the fardrivtns Garden City Cit7goiter Citygolfergoiter gathered add1 additional onal laurels by bylnnln bywinningwinning lnnln t the Chief Cup ia the open tourna tournam tournanientm nient nt at the Country Club of Atlantic City Citytoday Citytodaytoday The New Yorker defeated Dr DrStmon DrSimonSimon Carr of Huntington Valley by I Iup 3upup and 2 to play In the final round roundHureabotr roundhlrreshoffHureabotr worked hi his way to the final finalstagl finalstagestage by disposing of A W Tlllfntrhast Tlllfntrhastofof the Philadelphia Cricket Club In the the8emiflnal thesemifinalsemifinal In a lont contest st that had to M Mcarried becarriedcarried to t the hI home green On the other othersldt4 side Dr Carr had a rather easy time timeith timewithwith ith H C Fowno > s In this match the thewinner thewinnerwinner pJapd brllll brll1iantIy n ly Attting a 1 the thescore thescorescore here this w week weekJerome k kJeromeJerome D Tranrs of M Montclair t clair man manused managedused tO o scratch out a win in the defeatedeight division He o1y won from R ii L LJa LJamesJa James of Allegheny on the nineteenth nineteenthNell nineteenthgreenNell J J H H P Wharton or Bah Balusrel Balusrelwon nl nlWOnWOn the third sixteen trophy In the to toest long longeeLest match of the tournament This was waswhere waswhorewhere he defeated Walter Smedley or orSprina ofSpringSpring HanD after thr three extra holes MleaIn holesInIn the final Hcrrfshoft was never down downThe downTheThe first three hol holes were halved but a apuUt apulledpulled drive cost Dr Carr the fourth tourtkbole fourthholebole At the turn the New York boy boyatood boystoodstood 2 Up O Coming m1ng like a Wlsa Wlsaard wizard hlp hlpcancan boles and b ae finished by hol holes he hewoald hewoeldwoald have taad a chance for 78 Their TheirI Theirarlts TheirCardsCards Cardslierresogujt arltsIII Hrmshoif lierresogujt out 4 414414541I 414414541IHeSTEshofin I 4 t I 4 5 t II II11In11In It 1 I I I I 4C 4CII H HeSTEshofin 1f in I 3314144 3314144Carrie I I I 5 I ICarrCarr Carrie ill S I Ii I IfiSSMISS MASON TAKES MEDAL MEDALWInSWInS 11111 the Prize OJTcrCll h ly the Vnllh luslilugion VnllhII lultton lugion Ienceu Cluh CluhYefterda CinbYesterdayYefterda Yesterday was Ja ladies day at the Wash WUbinton Washlngtoninton Fencers Club and Mise 11 MamA MamAwon Masonwonwon the Old medal offered for the largest tnumber largestnumbernumber of v1ctorl victories X Miss a upeh h w wIIeCOftd was wassecondsecond and M Miss Brewer tbInL tbInLPoIIowINr thlrdFoliow1PoIIowINr Foliow1 18 I the tIUIIHIWY or the bouts boutsKlu boutsMissMiss Mason defeated Muses Bausch BauaebBnwer BauschBrewerBrewer RoUll Blnckley and Carmody CarmodyMJ farmodyMiseMJ Bau eh defeated M Misses Brewer BrewerBou BrewerBoosBoos Bhaddey aDd Carmody Carmodytn carmodyMIsstn MIss Brewer defeated Misses RoUt RoUtDmekJy RouaDincklefDmekJy aM Caftn dyMia cannedyMissMia Rou defeated Miss Dlneldey DlneldeyKia BlookiepMissMiss Bincldey defeated Miss Carmody CarmodyK ParmodyMiseK Mise CormocIy defeated Miss Roan RoOGOULD RoanGOULDGOULD IS TENNIS CHAMPION CHAMPIONYoung OllAMPIOYoungYoung American Victor Over Miles Milesthe Milesthethe Englishman EnglishmanllOrtliHulnllke EnglishmanSiiortsaiaullkellOrtliHulnllke Spirit Shown b by Win Winisa VlnH8lH8l isa Pleases DIItIHJcerlllWournn DIItIHJcerlllWournnIllCRimont n 5nuooll 5nuoollLoadon SuuusLondonLondon May 4Al1 Zaa4 18 tonight tonrptwltll tonightringingringing with prs3ae for el teenyearoJd eighteenyearoldlay teenyearoJdJayJay Gould who wrested the International latemationldcourt Internationalcourtcourt tennis cbanpIo championship from Eustace EustaceHH XI Miles gfter lter one oft of tb t stubborn Mubborneon stubborneonteetieon eonteeti ever seen oft the eourt And Alldtbe Andthethe victory and the words of praise be beh hebearsh bears Oft every tilde have DOt tuned the theyounc theyoungyoung Americans head IIeacLHis headHisHis modest demeanor or after hill victoryand his sportsmanlike ke spirit t I in playing pIqInctortor tile elwDPkJ champIonship aft aftee 111 Miles bad badanaouaoed hadannouncedannounced he woUld not defend Ills title Utabu titlehasbu endeared him to the lovers of the the8POrt theThe8POrt1 The outcome of the match teb 18 being dJ dJe dl dlcussede cussed tonight lit ID aU oha clubdom auclthe auclthefIOueQIIIIa and the theonneenstiefIOueQIIIIa of opbtl n In that young Gould Gouldwon Gouldwonwon on his merits and that In the Amer AmericaD Amerleanlean Xu met Gee Who wts preyed I JMeIfanore himselfmoremore than a match for the dethroned dethronedebamploa dethronedchampIonchampIon ebamploaTouac champIonYoungYoung ooua Ntanted to CIaridp Clarldgesearlyearly tis this evening where be wu over OvelI overwhelmedW helmed with congratulatIons upon his hisYIetoI7 hisvictoryvictory These Ie received with hill hilltomary can canternaryIternary modesty In an I intervisw he helei hesaMsaM leisaMI leiII am naturally elated at a winning the thecballpionMdp thechampionshipchampionship particularly against web webaa magnificent opponent u Mr Miles woo woothe whoisis the finest sportsman mn I have cocoon eDCOUntered cocoonteredtered There Is no man In the tennis Uonniaworld tennisworldworld I WCMUd rather have pIa played ed than thanhim thanhimhim aDd my disappointment would ouldln ouldlndeed In Indeeddeed ba have ve been peat If he had not de decided docidedcided to colD compete te When II MU Miles won wontwo wontwotwo aets 1 In S sucoesalon II I felt that the thetatora spec spectaLontaLon would not give a penny for iny inycbaneea my mychanceschances but 1 was det dternbsed to win If IfIt IfttIt warn withIn 11I1 power powerThe powerTheThe whole tournament hu been a de deIlcht do dolightlight in every detail It 1 a great pleas pIeaaure pleasareare to encounter such thorough sports IIpOItJIIMn sportsmenmen u a the Englishmen I My future plans planaare plansareare Indefinite In regard to tennis except exceptthat Xeeptthatthat I will play In the doubles at Brighton Brichtononon May U with MaBland against Punch PuncbFaIn PunchPairsFaIn and Miles 1IUeaTh MilesTheTh announcement that M MIaSY Sot SuttoD Sottonton the young California wonu4n would wouideompete wouldcompetecompete for the woaaen toasts title baa baathrown hasthrownthrown another scare into the ep of ofJCncIand ofEnglandsJCncIand tennis players playersGAILAUDETS playersGALLAUDETSGAILAUDETS GRIDmOX DATES DATESJlaHHJer DATES3tanegeeJlaHHJer TomllRHOU Gives Out LIt LIto Listofo of Nine Caines CainesThe a1l18H a1l18HTheThe football schedule of GaJlaudet GaJlaudetColl GellaudetCollegeColl College was announced by Manager 1IIaaqerDeaae ManagerDeaneDeaae TOlftU1UIOft Jut nlgbL nlgbLTb stat statTheThe Tb annual game with George GeorgeWallblDctoa GeorgeWashingtonWashington and 5k JaIua Johns of n nnapel Anaspohisnapel aspohis will not be played this year yearthe yearaa the d dates ta o offered the season seasonthioJ oJ0cL thi at leeppetmu leeppetmuDci0cL lIhtops ioIyseeais idisi at X Xue Xuene0ne iest W wist CIlIa CIlIaOct st stGetOct tlV J issetts st stVs LemVL VLNewNew ZWeshrs wa lialasfl eea et K Xsedsil Xsedsilyesyes JJt IIIIl bfle it IiIIatt Cb ty JiId JiIdNor MSNorNor Opce OpcelCow OpmgolCow BMarJIaDd tcshsl cu at XeBIIa1 XsedalNew0 0NN fl4athohe u Uolaestty fIl Amra at Ken KeltdaO KendallOesndaO dallOesn dallOesnANNAPOLIS Orem OremANNAPOLISANNAPOLIS RACES POSTPONED POSTP01mDJlhl POSTPONEDMidslLInae31Jlhl MidslLInae31 hlt len and Yale Crews Are to tonow toitownow Monday fontln Mornln Mornlng Uornfng Uornfng8pec8pec g to nr w Wston HiraM JI4Annapolla HiraMAnnapolisAnnapolis Md May fThe annual annualboat annuaboatboat race between the Yale vanity crew crewand crewandand the midshIpmen Brat eight dBbtIIChMuled was wasscheduledscheduled to he rowed On Severn Rivet Rivettbh RiverthIsthIs afternoon but after the oarsmen oarsmenloitered oarsmentoiLetedloitered around the boathouse for leV leVe psiersle ersl hours with the hope that the wind wiDdwould windwouldwould die down but Without avail It wu wudeelded as asdecideddecided to postpone the event ent until 10 10oclock 10oclockoclock Monday morning mornlDThe morningThe TWW 5 huttoms tt ns on ii thEm thEmwhen themwhenwhen they arl re worn The TheWHOLE lhrWHOLEWHOLE SOLE AND HEEL HEELmakfS HEELmakesmakes them new shoes in every teryway everywayway aa regards style and service ervlceMens serviceMensMens Shoes 8150 Ladies Shies S125 S125WeWe aM do balf80Un uai the bat leather leatherandMId dO aU leant WOt wotk ote theae JI eeILaes pricestal4aoLaes es BSc Neas Shoes SUN SUNMessineo 100 100MessineoMessineo Shoe Mfg Repair Co514 10th StN 5 riw W Phone M11148 M11148cc >1FIELDING WORK WORK GOOD GOODl11crican GOODAniericanl11crican Leaguers Do Well Wellin 1 ell ellinin Spite of Col Cold ColdNIEES 1 1NILrNIL NIEES S LEADS BATTING LIST LISTClnrIe LISTClnrlceClnrIe of Cleveland Ranks 11111 11111hUe llIjhiWhileWhile hUe Fielder Jones Un lIne Dropped DroPPclIaokinp DroppedflnokXnpsaokinp First In Number of oflInPlCH oflliieslInPlCH StolonScbreokcnJtoHt lit the tbeStnr theStarStar DnullItol1 of the ICnliU ICnliUTb IenucTheTb The most striking teethes Or Ute tint tintthree llt llturethree weeII et the American Leeguit eec 1IICalIOn eecsonlIOn Is Ut the wonderful hIdIng work worlCTai workTakingTai Taking Into tOftlll4antioft the weather wUwrthAt weatherthatthAt tilt teams have Md t t taos the themaI themarksmarks hung up by the leaPers have havebeen havebeenbeen little hart of marvelous 1It1vekuOf marvelousOfOf the atstytwo IaFers who ban banparticipated haveparticipatedparticipated In five or m pm gamea In the tltel theleaguel league ague here are atx who ha have Mt mod HMldean modnoan error For a like number of g mee In Inlllideeuon inmidseasonlllideeuon t this la record would not be 18 18markable nomarkablemarkable but during to the early lir sod tId eWIIr eWIIrda ebiUVdaysda days of the championship race It II IIother an anotherother matter matterThe matterTheThe Athletics have the individual IDCU9Sda1er lead leaderer In fielding averages In the American AmfeftLeasue AmericanLeagueLeague In Schnckenpet the star book bttekstop bookstopstop Its has a clean record ot sixty sixtythree hcqthreethree cb chances QCeII Wit WIlliams at f New ew York Yorkhas Yorkhashas been the Nt in t the daM tor the theYankees theYankeesYankees with a mark ot eigbtytwo t1two out outof outofof elbtythree accepted chances ebuoeIBattin chancesBattingBatting marvel at but better than In many In proviousvlOUil year Nlle of 8t IotW to tops the theUet thelistlist of American Leaguers wIth 4ti hut huthe huthehe baa only play played In five games Clarke Clarkeofof Cleveland really Ie leads tM league SMO with wlillaa withasaa ave averag of 3fl Danny Hortman or orthe ofthethe Yankee ranks third wiLls tk wbI wbI1leI4er while whileFielderFielder Jones of the ox who led Ute UteIeque theleagueleague a week alA bu tGptt4d Into wANt wANtplace fifth fifthplaceplace Laporte of the Hip Hipftanda Highlsndrn Highlsndrnstandsstands I seventh with an average ge or a aTbere 351 351ThereThere are eighteen or Ban J JI Jolsneons Jolsneonsleef1lersI leef1lers batting above 350 u against a aAIa afacesfaces AIa In the National Lea LeaIta League LeagueInIta the number of hues 8teJett Cleve Cleve1anJ Cievela1anJ la JUft the otben with twqqx twqqxpUfen tweisyalxpilferedpilfered lCU In the table 1ft sacrifice acrtftcebi sacrificebitsbi bits the Athletics lead with t twentytour twentytourand rour rourandand the YaaJt Yankees pt the place with lwea lweaty twentyonety tyone oneAJIBIUCAX LlLGUH DlTISG DlTISGFIVe UtlTIXCFIVEFIVe ott Okasa JIOK Gula GulaGJUIIiIIJlnasa GJUIIiIIJln Aa AaI h hLL I KMe5 iit i Iesii I 14 I II S P PtclsrkeI tclsrke 3 IRassNesYit35flh JCew yII It S I It a atMaMnfls4edtt tMaMnfls4edt t P I 1 1i 151 151LYJmnthlcigsuai LYJmnthlcigsua F I u II IIW I 3 3SWahaSWaha W cIIieIpII Chi 1 3 I If I S STLirtexwYeskf TLirtexwYesk Lapane New TarkM R I 5 m m1JttnU 3 3LSeheldtLSeheldt 1JttnU Detiett flI II I I Ir 311r va 1 iMa 1 W WlaT II 1 I S SID III IIIItIt Urth lies York I 35 I I S so solLWsiur11 lLWsiur W W Wisiln I pp p p I JID JIDU solLms1LeshU lLms1Lesh LMda Ififi D DJJ I I 35 35IAJJ Mcitye latrc DetnIK1I I 1 > 1 1 m mJ6J6 14 1IIa Nhaw Bise I Uti Uti15utrock 13 1 L P15utrock 15 Aitnick CbIe8ID Cld I 13 I IJI I I a aciieiwnswyekaflJI CcIa1e7 ciieiwnswyekafl y 1 I IIT 5iTIT L en w Wadiheten11 11 11 Ia 1 1 151 151Ia11 crckiepsit MdIa4dpId fi II I 1 1t 1lLVpptauht lLVpptauh UlClaab oua 15 1 If S 5 a apppp Aedsea Waih1eaii 11 14 II IIn S S an 21 rewOrd Dl u6tH 11 II t I 2Pwst2 P Pwst Suites 11 fifib 11 I IH 3 3DUieheanDUiehean H w Waied 1515 a f fCIeftIutI I I a24 1411W CIeftIutI CleVd5dfi 4 15 t J sa aB25 Wallace m LoaIL 15 35 II I 1 lIT lITSS 15 ek ticisised15 15 1 I f as asnESwiiSNswynt1 nESwiiSNswynt JIberfdd New y 153511 II 1 S JD JDu 153flAhirarflAhirar u W Wsabiaptos 15 35 II 5 I In InKIdPt 51SEhtKIdPt PI 33 15 II 1 1 1 1a a acetI3a CMIIt Dt 155110K15R155 II J oS 35nncei11 nncei M t 4 a IIt IiqtooW 1IeoIiaIpWa 15 fi 15 1 1 1M 1MSJSJ Heeled PIt Pbdeleliflla 35 15 14 t S S3t a3t 34 hue New Y4 H 15 14 1 I a aCiesiiWsihinptu15 1 1ss e CiesiiWsihinptu15 J WuhbJ I I S III IIIZIZI ldlIIiaDd Cheeps 11 I 15 I IJr P I 35Jr Genler WIllllil JI 35 35 1 toM toMWil 2 a aWsseWil Wsse New YaIkl Tae 14 15 11 t S S8dlaefer a aassisiirassisiir 8dlaefer DeCn1I nea is 11 I I as asp1 p 1 lease Ik Loela17 U 35 I I S 311 311nKhimeNerYhfl41 nKhimeNerYhfl JDttamr y n I I It pPerriset lerriM W Weip 15 35 II t t tt at 4 lh StosU alI alI4C t1edse4 a4C 44 Terrill Terrillft 15umoa 35 35ItRoNRssft ItRoNRss DI 151515 Ii D 3 t III IIIen 35nMcrsPbl1a4s1snMcrsPbl1a4s1s > en 15155 D I I Ifl a aHepdmfl IIfJdoL S II J J9I1iM S S 35 35aa 9I1iM Busies tsoetA 35A 1 JIIlaIIIIIwa CIMiII dDa a aStSt Da Dads pinAeipaie pp II s II 11 115J t a5J 51 Welder WeIduIt Chi S 15 1 S C 35 35pIt p COIIIblia Dstpvtt 35 V 11 P P53kbeu11 53kbeu hbeU ctdcIIID Chicigifin II G S 5 1 1a aa Vesper Ijt Lo 1I Ii U 1 1 1llMrr a ann llMrr DrtPott fi 15 nIl nIlCIenIa8II It 5 a ann itaasa CIenIa8II P 15 I It Itft 2 aft AraInIt r II 3 1 1NiB 35 35aa NiB WuIaiIcL p I 1 1 1II p a15 r retosz S a t tnSairp=nSairp pla 515 3 1 a aIIII II DeIeIaIaQ at L IUIT IT fi U t tIl JN JNflIl Nabe bLimpsj1 II 15 H t 1 100 100aa D tti4hiraa louise 15 35 4 4M 4 I ISIM IID nauKa aaco I1 15 j J JtleteludII 33535 sdhsy tleteludII 15 5 1 1II 3 115II 15 Keeler x TerIt1I Test 13 35 I 8 JIIt JIItUU JImT r reee 15 I 15 J 1 1a1I 35 35UU a1I Cbi u 11 i It It8tepbIM P t 115 115aa 8tepbIM Itt LoeU lesh U II IIft S I 115 115Taft 31isatiy Sew w yOlk Y I J e 0 1 WI WIn lltTin Ti 15uilee at heals 8 D t I 1ft11 I i L i a i U J 1 m 173Tin DouPertI Cls lf k lIt I 1 4 JIII JIIInn Iehp ChieqD ticagi15 15 1 S 4 4Bowell 35 35tItI Howell tit 4 Lash I 15 S J Jft P 111 111itfiddalyft itfiddaly eIddJ w S 4 I IiT 111iT Boer Bo BoRoaD 15 1 1 t tft 35ft floss lie LoIIIs lAstsS It 15 1 1 1Tt 115Tt 7 no N 1iw y t rill T 13 2 I t IM IMnn Passe DPtmit p J1 J p I iii IU11 KttIfe New Ni Test I r 1 I I UI UII 14 14tI W 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uroy New york York41 > 15 5 J 151fl Y cross Ph aIIelphla1S II 41 II MII JtndJe1 CIeN1MdII 6 6EDeld 15 4 flz0 EDeld N New york Yorkpp 31 iI l S18 Lord l1 IacWphia 11 1 B I fiI Deltballt1 lit 4t Louis If f13 5 33 5 Iff IffWacuer02 Wacuer Boston11 ft C 35 8351 DonPertJ Chicaeol1 11 2 2 I54 Ileaphill = wNett 4t a 41 1 t 151i15 Kecier New i 1 3 15611 alrr WuhlDCtnDl S1 t 4 I 3517 Kaicbt lhiladeliJiaU 1t9 31 15 1 iI615 Robe Cbkqn11 19 j pp 1IIIjt Laporb New yo l II S 8 35II 15 CoIIoIh1in Detwit 15 sa tt G Sl11 Beer BoItDa If 15 G 4 415CeiheiDuitsn ti33 ti33Cu15CeiheiDuitsn Cu U91tieLM i sRACING CARDS FOR MONDAY MONDAYJalUalca MONDAYJniinlenJalUalca JalUalcaJIlI18T JniinlenFIRSTFIRST KAC LtChIs F furloncl furleenlsil1relsil1re 95 emma Cents 55 55calhitcalhit IIPeOSOa IIPeOSOa44sehseod furlonclr =44sehseod 15 41n u Kl Iil Shine 55 r un lies I IUfO 1 1DierceDierce = III TlktHie = 04 04khaUfO kha Art ArtnMer irceetkis t tPlahernMer nIIe nIIe8BCOND II IIancogo8BCOND ftACEFhII a sad seehal K 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111k I 155 =ntlto 35 I uapiflflwe us I 11 hleseis 35ls Uopd 101 LireIiIa 15 wlf 10 1 Claude Datal DrasitlddOdd Yladra 10 10OaklandOakland OnklaJ1lJI1KIT OaklandPlaITPlaIT KCKl IurIoDp IurIoDpKatie fwkspCstlsKatie UIIMoa 111 1 Cbseee Cbseeejessie eejessie it UP J least L11 ill I hipsea m11 1 I 115 flstii illTta Jsaua 1 Of OfJI llIueketnn 35JI ut 11 iie Bu eIJtOOJrD 35 35ii IJtOOJrD ItAczhta tJ tJDtIIII morel moreltiMDtIIII W35a 115 hisiemo II St StHlsHls Ian 35 Asosdis II11II 11IInJ Ddt MInt 1 10 msithsis haSp Islensit St a 15measp I he heStlaolatksIul Stlaolatks IJo1A JrlA tsita St I Nenie NenieTJlUW htheic 35 35minDminD JUcs k fwbM35 fwbM35this= this lUsts km 35 I Slats SlatsMeeallaMeealla m 115 I s1ry ft Street StreetelUs IIc lit up1IoI j= elUs is lLneallasla if Ii IilOIJltTU 1 1POLIRTIElOIJltTU JUcxoe au sad tu tuIII yae yaeEIII IE = 1teJ ii I I IJI1IIyIvnht JI1II RA 1AC15O nfl sad t tc yasda yasdarbserbse rbselavadir c Ufti UftiISISlavadir M MmdeIII n JIWr III ad cep 35 35 35AmoAmo I 35 C 5js Meyer Meyer15s WIJIIutdIt JIIutdItI 3511rnywhe 3511rnywheIXThI TH JUC LACVtmitj Il IlK seine seineh1hettiisK 1L h1hettiis U lWi3eftv I I5Iotr 35 35laceyI lacey 1111 us Aana AanaL uun 3 3insins L III = I 44moaado 44moaadoItneheteItnehete 35 1 1Sceis LmIIIs 35 35ss Led 35 ths MML MMshe t she iiiL nen nenleulsvlllo I IJQJQ leulsvlllo leulsvllloP155Wb hnlIlc hnlIlcJil1ClllJil1Clll UCCFhe set w wIUIaIIn heisesa heisesaaimsaims lU I Seas IhI43054 l III IIIKDOND thMsa thMsaesihqyesihqy 1ulhs44orien 1ulhs44orienMbsis IMbsis dese 1 = lAdy 44syI 1 55 55uDoNDKDOND JUCK ACZYesar f1Irioerp f1IrioerpKeItiII forka forkaMoslemsKeItiII v Moslems lit i Lady IIl 35MeW 0 Ut t I her herIldosVa j 44 lust 1111 kiwi heseL heseLDew IPew el hpwn 1111 115 Muss Mussheteybeheteybe V 35 = I I Mira = I Ia 1wra 1wraLa IiLa smor 115 4 lIana lIanaJcp04lJcp04l a lady I IlHIR II Fed 35 35bletirhebletirhe Hanusi iiOO 35 35TWIfiDlHIR ACLdsWsp oM oMa a twiosgs twiosgsKshbeita Kshbeit 19 153 i Wsrsqr lbhesld lbhesldklabsah =klabsah 19JftIaCI 12 5 1Iaoj he heilaladesilalades 115 JftIaCI JftIaCIit laS laSAdeesAdees ill tsbber 15 15sa55hensa55hen III I Artful Dnt Dntmissit Husist miss pit g 15415mm 354155mb SiWestmo SiWestmoHusist I 0f i iJ 55 54 54PounyfiJ naCLQse ad adtlJ eeanetir ad adWillWill k ill I Aseti AsetiOwehed= tlJOwehed 117 lied Useigict UseigictPlaIIsrliIIIr PlaIIsr liar 111 ifllZsl IaJ I153555 1111 in 0rtIIIttw1IIk 0rtIIIttw1IIknllll taeieanprHnllll aAC5fov aAC5fov1U halmo halmoImpImp loSdass 1U W Wage Ir Iru Jr35A0i She 35 I u WIla WIlawia wi Mess15 Mess15Ic LedI I I trlc trlcsIxTh 1Dd i iIDID lIS lISIJI1H IsIxTh RACz e aGe aGel allhlipSihlipSi lIve 115 Lame MI MIrcel = =rce 111 escew III III35mg= 35mg I ill TiIIIIfr TiIIIIfrI 35 35heslidostheslidost 0 35 tour 35 35sedlaosedlao NIIkd 35 351Wi ilUIIJ1W 1 MI I ie cada 50leslap L41IPIC1he1 15 15lullylUIIJ Iria 115 I 1 Mressh Mail MaidST III IIISTST JOHNS COLLEGE VICTORS VIOTORSTalLell VICTORSTakesTakes Thlnl nR1IRl JIcot of JIRr JIRrIRnd Slary Slarylan1IRnd CIIJJe611 CIIJJe611tos to Th Wulalaltca WulalaltcaBaldmon StasiS StasiSBnltlmonBaldmon Md May 4fit at Joh Johns CoI CoIJqe collegJqe leg wu the victor In the third a aIlMet asnual asnualmeetmeet of the Maryland JteruIIC1Me JteruIIC1MeAthlettc 1nterolleghsseAthleticAthletic AModatlqn today at Mount MouatWublqton MountWashingtonWashington The boy Iron Annapolis ADnapoJcanted Annapoliscarriedcanted 0 37 points Washington College Collegeg1L8 g1L one lone tally and the Maryland Api Apin Agrtculturaln cultural ttural CoLlege e the fourth member of ofth ofthth UMClation failed to land a place plaeehe placerhohe meet was th the inaugural event Gft Gftthe 4111thethe new Mount WUblqtOl1 athletic field eJdand fieldandand the track probably the best 1ft the theState theSlateState was In line condition Notwlth NotwlthRa NotwithstandingRa standing this tact however the time In Inof Inmostmost of the events was poor The GlUt GlUtWeet oneeventevent 1D which considerable couidenblewa speed was wasshownshown wa was the relay between Se Jobn JobnW Johns JohnsWesternW Western tem Maryland and Wu Wsahingon WsahingonWashingtons toWublncton third man fell at the theand finish finishandand put his team 110 hopeIeIIIIly out ot It Itthat Itthatthat they did not ftnIiI St John and andWe andWesternWe Western em Maryland h however > wever were ran rannIbc runningnIbc neck and Deck at the last tu tuwben turn turnwhenwhen there was a collision and the West Westera eIK eIKemem Maryland man fell The J Judge e d dqualified dinqualifiedqualified St John Johns and the race WU WUcaJled wascalledcalled otto much to the dIsappoIntment oC oCtbe ofthethe IIpeCta spectators spectatorsMarcus to toMarcusMarcus of Western JaryIaQd won WOfImoet wonmostmoet points for the day Edwin War War8eId Varfieldfield jr on ot the sonnaer also made Ma4haa pod showing The summary rnunmar7duhJitnt summary151pare151pare duhJitnt ktatlianlase to l 0 JIIIafret Ka Watma ur llilaad I kiiirw Wishes bQ1Md thee The 15 H Hie neseSiie hestflterecq t8m St Jab lilt r Tppw Weet MerriaM ad 0 IlarplasS A Apetaslai CoUe CoIie t n 15 w wtItIaI8t annSitItIaI8t FissiOteycisi tk 1 Juhe J JJ Baseless IIJ RtOIId Turner Wattta MarJIaad iiemiThe tIdTIIu The 15 25 5 accede accedeloltbij Dd1 loltbij JAlJtUnd lIbGtCrawford It 8 lalla 1mA C bosipsuu Bt St leb J d V VWrd Vs WhIstcsi third Df II IIo fin I IOesallo runlliebrrU W Wean Xal1la1Ml ir 41Siadasse W4IItftu la1Jia1ld t U Itulsos StJ Jihas tI n T1 Uf 4 01 11 It35paid35paid 14 lnudteW W Mama w Weeters harp 18fflied t HarrtIca 8t J Jcn mooed W WUSiIIIat I s thud nae xi If SI SIU nemSi nemSiitsenletU itsenlet blab JaaJroKcA luapMcAbee IlL Jolla 1IW hasSLes WeIierD luiaDd amend 1ICIIDdW 155w4InW Western IarJIaad Shied IIto I feet I InI boles boles441yaM441yaM nI rn rsa15are w WaIsts arrIIad antPilate w walmo XO Slaxyteed Ii CIa hawked IiJoIuI Johes third Tine II IIbroed elecaSi elecaSiRandegRandeg broed jaapCJe W wea IUJIudAnt Earthen lit J1JbD lates steel harem Wn Veit1IarJIaad t1drd DiICa fllglamo It tart r lashes MtIeIontlll lashesmissingontlll JApou buaIer4uo weaMaryland Ant 1IH8 Thomisos t Jeans aecoad l lmrtIt Ceth CethmetmrtIt met fit Job tb d DIat l14ataace 11 feet s spnt IsehsaIIpird pnt dPbPir hnt hetTrn Weilere taQIsad Ant st Harriaoa Hereto tit loha aimed 81halStorms 44t JoIns int MaSS St J JlIaaJaJlarriIoa JISSa JISSaamoSamoS lIaaJaJlarriIoa 8t Jolla lest Intllnrr lestSESE Johns monO Terser Westem MarylasStb 11171 11171raBHuhtb Tim 34 itcoode35 raBHuh 8t l Johe Iua lint TarbMt 9tJolla aecoo4 JIm lit Jou tJ n r2 alautsa 11 U emada emadaIaI10 IaI 7sean auJtJImmI m t JobIJ ishs Sat eOI Os W WieCODII Wetirs WetirsliaryhamiieCODII 100ft w t1llJ1qi third thirdOneJld M I feet 1 i8c11 i8c11neenee mile relaWubiDIt Ia CoIJqe SdnItterQUI 015 lackar TUBe Wfltera luJlAd 0u CulIppeIHartliafUarcua Tenser HoisTer BJtrlr tit 4 s jes Cal Colirism itraI ttrawford OJd Wlddd HalT fluinos UW ijt ijtdUquIifted t3sinsa dUquIifted otller lens did lOt lash II IIraee soSmokeraeeSmoke One and You Will WillSmoke WillSmokeSmoke More MoreRobert MoreobertRobert Mantell MantellCIGARS ManellCIGARSCIGARSDR GARDNER IS FIRST FIRSTBannockbulu FIRSTBaniiocklnuiiBannockbulu Horse Easily EasilyTakes EasilyTakesTakes Montague Stakes StakesPHILANDER StakesPHII4RDERPHILANDER PRACJ PRACTICALLY ICALLY LEFT LEFTroor1001 Starting b by CUIIld Cussiily Spoil 1lliat 1lliat1ooited hat hatIooletlIooletl Ilk Good Contest at JamaIca laD1aluaOnl JamaIcaOnlyOnl Only Pour Sinners ItUlI SullhHnJI SullhHnJI1I0rlle 14uhhlsnniHorseHorse I1nll Ito 10 lrouble In Keeping lreJllnjIU KeepingVe1IVe1I IU Up In Front AU the Way WayNiw n nNewNew York May 4yer a heavy track trackDr trackDrDr aantner u crack knltOCkbum knltOCkbumbof Bannoekburnbobof bo e owned by Thn Timothy tb D I SulUvan went WOIiu wenttheu Monta Montague ue stakef weight t for age e one onen onesn4sn4 n oneteeath miles Ief at JaaaaJca ye yetenlay yes yesterdaytenlay 1ft a gallop From the mo moment the thebarrier thebsxrienbarrier wu raised Mrtl etrdn took Dr Oard Oardper Gardnetper to the front where he remained to toth totheth t without being let oWII for an In InManL insLantsLant In tact Martin hfd all be could coulddo couldIkido to keep the horse from running too 100fut toobaatfut futFrombaatFromFrom a QMlcuiatlvo point of view Cr Cront LrGardneront Gardner wu a real good thins even at7 to 11 for be won like a 1 to S shot ad andtheeu thee who accepted the abOrt price felt feltII feltasI II If they bad run aerou money on tM tM1POUnd thegroundground But there were some very wise wleepenofttl wisepersonspersons who said before the race that Dr DraardDer DrGardnerGardner wa was not a really h1KheIaD hone honethat horsethatthat his recent victory In the Excelsior ExcelorKalMlkap ExcelsiorLiandicapKalMlkap wa was more luck than anything anythlqelH anythingelseelse and In view of the lIty muddygeing a 1M 1MtVU bewaswas not a good bettlllK JJIOPCIIItI D C Cteq lensequenti3teq sequenti3 lItl7 th these 1Ie persona turned t8 A AugustIlelmcntiDe1mo threeyear threeyearold OIIeU b bIboodMa1 IboodMa ad adJ backed him himJollisaJ Jollisa n xo xobr Ltirol4 PWIaii PWIaii4e4e br 3111 Brush was th1ftI 1 f favor tat4 un I0 hOnl Only Pour Starters StnrttlrJIInw StartersTharsnw were oniy tour starters but Mr MrcIdy MrcaseldycIdy wllocle work all the afternoon atterDooaa afternooncalmedcalmed a let of fault fladlng let t tlier the her herrIerlier p to a poor send 0 oW Dr Gardll Gardllaway Gardner Gardnerweewee away like a flash bat PI Jar w wy was wasjwetleailyjwetleaily y left Martin let the tail In InJfff7 a ayJfff7 y and then taking a Inn grip P on the thebrtdIe thebridlebridle he let Dr Gardner pllop along In Infront Infrontfront at an easy pit turning Into the theIMIcIt thebackback stretch wIth a Iead ot two lengths leqtbaJbea lengthsTheaJbea Gamer beBaa to rush Philander PbUa1lderupup t1OID tIM rear ad near the tar turn turau turntheu x boNe was within a length of ofBa ofthethe Ba Banaeeekborn colt It but tit this e eflort eflortamounted ert erttoamounted to notbk for Dr Gardner erIODIped Gardnerrompedromped aw away when his Jockey let out out1Iek a aflakflak aDd when he JUt 1M lead crt the t1aetMretCb thehornshorns stretch he bad as advaa advantage of offour f ftourtour lelllltbll lelllltbllMartIn lengthsMartinMartIn looked back thee and anddIM re4ateg re4ategthatdIM be had Lisa race woos he began to tothe3535 the Docter wP At die wire the thersta thewinnerswinners margin rsta was two leaP lengths while whilePldlander whilePhilanderPhilander lasted long ejisegli to take the ibeplace theplaceplace from Oketdte bJ half a length The Tbelat Thelatterlat latter was pocJr pocketed all through the last 1utquarter lastqiartorquarter of a ails Dan Bubre Wh a aIeDatb aIessathIeDatb back The time wu 1 1Tke 10 21 21PheTke SUlttttNIriM SUlttttNIriM1IJNnUC SummariesFlu1IJNnUC Flu IUC15Tinseyeseohde lv sad a NIt NItA1eda betIidIsIidIs A1eda 1etb 15 tSoUoerI I to II tint Sepal ItoJa1ouou I Lace 15 to 3 sesosS II TO44dhtea TO44dhteaus111 PIe15ea I I to 1 ddnl IIIM 116 SIdI8I SIdI8Iw SitbeeJmoIsJmoIs w Walk aom sad T Bar alto ran raaIQIID ranBUldLiIQIID ItACE ItACEPNat LACETwopusesik Si Ial Ialeaxeax PNat S is I 3 mo35 415ea 1 I t 1 1 I ai AIIsla 15sUe 15sUet1siait1siai II to 1 thud ItIIe 1 I 14 11 11aM ilolboir ilolboirasIas isetimi aM lies 55 alto L u uQII8IttI UeiOi55iIImohetattlaionQII8IttI Oi55iIImohetattlaion Oi55iIImohetattlaionTasko 11ft at JI ItftIRftIR JlACI JlACIft LLCERosedsb Stakes twopastelS twopastelSSIbsSIbs s ti ft 35 t8uMt 5 tit t tTartar I05 3 Tartar laid 1CIr 1I I to I aee IIII02IeII ae aealaala Oiled 35 C MirtisI I 2 t 1 1 tI e elaHlaH 135 iL 1ia LhI XadoA XadoALata linac list 8sees5 8sees5LeonLeon 61ay Qt Msra35 suid 15a u uIIIIraIL Asendalasalas raIL Marion Moon aDd x Gay eoapW eoapW1ea mopietTeaTea Leaf an adflid Itarta ItartaPOUaTII etatt etattFOURTHFOURTH IIACS WCSMostsgoe aad spearS era sad a IIIaUa6 allis Dr DrUI DrGaiderGaider UI Martini T Ie 11 15 ant 5r MdInder MdInderor MI MIOmorilor 4 to t 1 I aecIDIIII Okisite III MmoieMI MmoieMIii I11 to I shied TINt 111 I 45 U n nIPIftR hebsa also is isFIFTHFIFTH 1lACJfUoddIDd and t1PIA flee fleesadsad a MIl iorksipe Ttoa ts Bucr5 S t L Llie 1 1seasea 153 lie at P Moustahi I in 1 1Ladr 1 a aLadyLady Lear 117 lar ilsiulsI lII U to 1 5 laW ftM fls1 35 24 La i4aSi lad hey Led ID ID ID8SXTH iwoSIXTHSIXTH UCTbfte UCTbfte0neaIa LtCETboeyesreldt set spwsmi Ma Maf15If15I 0neaIa III IGase G J to I Iu 2 Stat Den Den117u 117 P3V150U I to I 1 4 ou n nNettftt15 Clatter S to 1 1 thIrd The l1SH 1 34 31r15ep 31r15epsatsat 1 leeaselag alas rail railPUBLIO rasPUBLICPUBLIC CHOICES DEFEATED DEFEATED111Jt111Jt Crowd Sees Oakland Uncoil U1In U1Inin ItunInin Perfect Weather WeatherOakland eutller eutllerOaklandOakland May IThe weather weatherperlect was wasperfectperfect for racing at Oakland this this af afternoon atternoonternoon and a bl big crowd was In at atiendance attendanceiendance This was tb the Uith day of ofthe ofthethe JIIHtI meeting Bad ridl riding resulted In Intbe Inthethe defeat oC a nUMber ot public publicchotee publiccholeechotee The CbltOM Handicap result resulteMeel In a victory for the HghUy Uy weighted welcbtedJJ C C Clean TIle summaries summariesPisarPlur JcAC XACFIII ehet Sori M Mtaas Philasslass deaSi t to 1 1 wee zJaate zJaateIe III III1roes1roes I Ie II I DalIla D n iii W WJc w w1CUpJc 15 to 1 1 tWId Thee 1 SI ou ouOXd ilemosilPreyPrey OXd JI s and Sisator WaIIIer WaIIIerU WaIIIeraSCOfD wanalaheedlaheed U seaM seaM815C01DaSCOfD KCEFour ud udhnIan mrbat hehr hehrTirnawarhnIan MI IC Soul I to 1 I wa waA Malulib 35 35AA Pious f iD 1 I d deonI Ce Wiso 1 1lOtuslOtus I to 4 I 3 d Thee Ifills Ifillstblep 1 H HIIIIeyIIIIey lisp JliBdDo 1tis M Mares D DWIeII sal lapat 35 35heedheed WIeIITUum em asaid asaidThIRDThIRD JUcsIIx furIaap furIaapiD fiwi 5Ie AlaIhi AlaIhipp iD 1 1 ass Koral Kque H8 I 15 1 1dd lumpish MI Hsl 1 S ta talI1 3 IheS malI1 1 15 M RIInIIIIc heeaIs flash IIIherMia CItIdII CItIdIIJI Oiv OivIsitaiJI sad Deems IndieS AniIbedroUJtTK as searS searSYoiixTHroUJtTK HACBChitcJw 1IaJIIIbp 5s 5sI1 C CIlIa 15 C C aI Rea I to 1 wee 35 35thai0 Ut Iltaicr 11 1 to So I sieced u Dt 1 1PCI P Sully 11 to i third 1 1Iftutia lit ld ldTItaslaIftutia 0 1 fcNr xn 15s med lbs nII1kIsiaa lbssha1kIsiaa sha 35heM at aIDfd aIDfdPTII naitLFIFTHFIFTH PTII N4C LtCIIOue s iisesiitseak Iei IeiIkI mite mitehIesIkI hIes 111 Kes i i to I WIll DtIIIIIcIa 35 tie CLsJ0555 J ao 1 1 seesel W K Onus 35 IA WII WiiIsIs 15 to 1 1 tJ Thee 1 tsP H The Ikpro IkproIkhoir Rqsobitbit Tahsead Ikhoir and DudIaI teed u uSI saasaitasait asaitSIXTIESI SIXTIE TJ KAC LC15OIe all Iselapa HI c Real JbISS 5 to 1 1 wm Jtedfw4 lIt Heater U to 55 > t tTafOl emedThresaTafOl MI SisSY S to J 2 third n 1 15536 15536Thames H HTrIaThames lester ud W HoMar finished u d dMIDDIES matSMIDDIESMIDDIES DEFEAT V ARSITY VAIISITYTivo ARSITYTwoTwo AC Acnleny tlem Rec Records rtl Drolen In InDnal InUnalDnal Truck and Field Sleet 3lcctipmal Sleetxrtlipmal xrtl to he WubbItioa ud udAnnapolis IirratAnnapolisAnnapolis Md Kay 4In a closely closelycontested closelycontestedcontested dual field and track meet here beretoday heretodaytoday the mldllhlpuln athletes defeated defeatedthe defeatedthethe team from the John Hopkins rnl rnlvenlt7 mlverItyverIty of Baltimore by 51 to Ii poln polnTwo poInts poIntsTssoTwo of the Naval Academy records recordawere recordswerewere broken by the mIdshipmen but fut futtime fasttimetime in the track events W8 jm Impoesible Impoesibleuse ble blehcauehcaue use of a strong wind Percp rc of Hop HopkiM HopkisskiM WU 1M star Individual performer performerptUn performergettinggetting lint place in the 22i 0 dash dashhurdles O OsUrdlsUrdl hurdles and broad Jump and second condPIace secondplaceplace In the 1 105 dash daahMnITIA dashMILITIAMILITIA LOSE RIFLE SHOOT SHOOTl1t1 SHOOThiiduhilpnienhiiduhilpnien l1t1 hlluue l VIzi jn front 3Iaryland 3IarylandGutrtl ii iiGuardGuard at the AnnnpoUs Range RnngeSpcdal RangeSperitiSpcdal to h Tb Wasb HeRId HeRIdAnnaoolbl SeraMAnnapolisAnnapolis ald May LTM Annapolis Annapolismidshipmen nnapolillmidshipmenmidshipmen won flOlll t th oftIcenI of the theMarylANl theMarylandMaryland National Guard In a rifle com comlietltJon conslietitlonlietltJon here today The total scores tICOlWwere scoreswerewere Annapolis 2 guardsmen 2li 2liotIt 235outout ot a poutble Oro Orolhe 30COnelhe booUng was at ranges ot otand 155 305 305andand 100 yards slow fire re and 01 and andanI 350 350ysnisysnis anI ra rapid firing firingII SAW YOUR AD IN THS THR HERALDBLOOMINGDALE TEAM LOSES LOSESDow LOSESflowDow Before con Couip tclIlIlonnl In Close CloseGauieGnme at UoteUtft Field FieldTha Plo1c1BloomlDldale ITha BloomlDldale Athletic Club re reI eneolvedI eolved IVM A severs setback yesterday even eventog itog when It w was defeated by the Cone Congre Congresional I Iionabionab S w 6 1ft a hotly contelUd conteat genie genieatat We MeDovirts vltt Field PIeIdBucJdey FieldBuckley 1Buckley who wa on be ftrt firing line tot totthetb the club boy wu batted hard In lj 1M 1Mnt thefirst jnt and sixth Innings when th th Con Conpe Congreseionalpe eional piled up enough rune to win wIDthe winthethe contest contetConover contestConoverConover made a RftIIaUotaaI catch of a aI alineI Ie drive over second with t the e bases batIeJIloaded basesloadefiloaded In the ninth which retired the theIde thesideside sideBlndale IdeIdeBIweBIwe It RhiOAbJ H 0 eoet Conp a SliCkS H Ie IeUJtWfle UJt TI I I 5 I C Artri is t 2 I I It 5litewart3bS52C = 14leekrf t 5155 I 1 lfcSruacr2i1435 lfcSruacr2i1435litewart3bS52C Vapp 13111 13111tlamnirtt l lttlamnirtt 15 5 S 2 5 Pssi3r I I 14 1 5 5heIsaS35heIsaS35 t l445 t i t ceumerc U 11510 11510toaoac1lIC I I ICoaomtoaoac1lIC Coaom 1 I I I Watson If 1111115 1 1fIMsi fI I I P 1 t Ii 1 w Weasel p e I I 1licee d I 0 IS I Pepsi ct S 1 S 5 I IttniLc1 ttniLc Co Iii 11535 S ThsrfI3 rf 1 I Ilb SI SITotalslb I 1 II 1 1IfIf I I Totals 1311 II 1t IJ 11 1 2lj ITotaItt i IllVUZi IllVUZiRlooaiolsie 1 Zf If S I IJIJI Rlooaiolsie 1 1113111054 1113111054Cospnelosala J 1 I 14 14Jo1nt14HCospnelosala 3110351 H 4 4YIratJo1nt hiss r ertsetbSWITsiOOak OIIata 1 1Je ilioeaisi ilioeaisiairair Je 1 I Left ta heestheeaknsh 12 12Ie 15ks 15ksthlethle Ie 1 That bar an IIIIJ1eOtr Iiniey f f7f 1Pye7f J 8tftId ottt1tJ Medeky A lis JlUf 1 1TwtHlue tTwoineTwtHlue bibLetud Maistba I NIchols hddeJ hddeJItoIat 35csi07TheiaTheia ItoIat baisLelaitd IeIaIld Cosewer Ann AftffH AnnJteteirH Jteteir 2 Pay I 3 x J 1sidIoII 1sidIoIILeIaa4 I ILuleadLeIaa4 Rk lor erp BwkIe1 1 Wild WildaItItJ WildISteteelyISteteely aItItJ 2 UIII upon dr Stint We WefJi T ToffJi 118II1 baa ud udMRS II ahiate ahiate1RSMRS LONGWORTH AT RACES RACESThouHnds RACESThousandsThousands at Lexington Le tgton Track At Attraoted Attractecitraoted by Presidents DgJtter DgJtterIart DangkterIartyIart VIII Go to Lonlllic M Jiondap Jiondapto du dutoto See the JoHtuQlc JoHtuQlcnurJ IContuqicy1orhjnurJ Rpu RpuLexJaPqn RuiiLexingtonLexington ICJ aT y iTb TIIIe Jut race raceof raceofof the Kentucky AssocIatIon doe IMetIDc 1155115 was wasWitaeaed wanwitnessedwitnessed toda today by Oongressinn n Nje NjeLoaawortb Nltth Nltthalasalas Loaawortb a Wife C CIIdn Congressman CongressmanandIIdn and Mrs Leqw Longworth arrived at 4 4oe 410 410oeloek =oe oeloek k alter Joining JuU Julkie JIe18ehmaa JIe18ehmaaof FIaiachmaaofof CfIIdJuaad who preceded Llama here to toWlue toWitneWlue the runidiog of tile final event ent If Ifthe ofthethe meeting from a box x Ia front of the thepan thegrandstandpan grandstandThe tand tandTheThe fact that the th PresIdents daughter cJauPtertowa to be a peR hero brought thousands tJIoueaAcbofof people from all over XeatuclEY and andthere andtherethere was as the largest crowd of the meet meetpre meetluglug pre presentMrsMrs Longworth tb w accompanied nIed by bylulu byhirhir lulu P1 UcbJun sad came ID IDtourtaa a atouringtouring car owned by lull Julius PISlIChonAS PISlIChonASTomorrow hmlUL hmlULTomonowTomorrow aftEr Visiting losee ot ue ueItO thestockItO farms the 1lUtJ will an ao Louis LouiavlUe LouisvOilevOile and wttn the running of tile tileKent theKentuckyKent Kentucky lry Derby Oft Monday Summaries SummariesfIST s sJl1UJTfIST a4CBPtlrw lei tweyardhp f ftQ sad sadonelettQ tudoIIp fiaIu heat Pim fT 1 Iasbt urIuitoII to won 15 a kiaMI I 7 1 1 11o2 11o2isond to t tlAdJaisond lAdJa Loib s Man 35 Swain I to 1 bilia 53524 u A Ad O Walter Ned LJir lass DtftWaWorf lassSheShe WaWorf hell sad Misdeweea alto altoooND ranooND 1Ul SALESeUisI paw fta t eoMs ahorpeseoMs 8is IuIIoDa fvIm V VIanis Swain Tie Tie8aItie 7 to I Imama heISt 8uter i 35 C1I I 4e I itemS aecoatWUd itemSmMWUd ViIt III Blue 5 to J p thIrd This TIllIeiJIiJI H I lsbpfh 1HnitGe Standby Suit Daaa Daaaanti Cbaatt anti Tom G uhlony 1tI ate aIIOTRIaD me meTUIDTRIaD R4C PAC15Seflbo JIQIW f fIf fir twoinreiSi twoinreiSifewfew and If IuduIIIL I II Ios II IIMasittyMasitty I II tQ 1 1 wea Jaft Fare F 1IIr I I 3 teemS TcpWtf 35 35sschaapi ewe to toTi8Ie Ithirdthird Ti8Ie T eseis ShIrley line lineeseseses BeDe 1IIIi MatissE Ucla WIll I I1IIIIt 1netnet kkboss4 Did sad 0 aI aIpotJKTII alasP0435tHpotJKTII IEACHaedrap C b u uf thiseeerolds thiseeeroldsasSasS eased ens mS esedmesath f 1 ah lbs caeI lbskinkin MI I 3 Len tCIIIIIIIW wISi lisqum a W J JY 3TempY Temp entry I eron wee Sequst 15 cane teen ewaf teentof tile pIcI itemS 1l 15at t1imlmi f fto Itoto 5 for allow thud iI l 15545 H HaJII namerSBridesBrides aad 1 iseubittin ate na nanrr ranFIrmFIrm Ic SACZflelllsp fur furI tlseeesreMs sad sadopairdopaird I hIrJ fwlm 8Iam Yea IrQl 15 to toJIalhnt 1 1aa JIalhnt JJJ fl Lee G for the place rc rc4ad4ad CuoI1tIe MI I tJer1 S tit 1 1l1nf 1 za ate atethinithini Thee l1nf 1 14 45 uIIdt7 ifty Iada Jude Astame AstameKItiIc K EIade firSt IItaI1Ie sad Shiner o ran JUL1IXT11 ranSIXTHSIXTH RAC RACLZ fudotap MIo Ilsenflia 35 T T TTsyiiwTIor I tl 1 1 woo 0ua III tBiJaeJ Bun t to 1 11troL4III 1 1irutad1troL4III cme 1 107 IS 1 Bethel T to 1 thIrd thIrdTTIae T IIS li225 U JDfIIrI1 Stile Lad Alien Ha HakJ ltssdlaykJ hater II Be 8 aD Drnipe eJao raaPIMLIOO MEET EETEDS EETEDSThe ENDS ENDSTJwThe Clown at 5 to1 Defeats DefeatsOrnlo11dos DefeatsOPII1OII1SOrnlo11dos Right RightDOC RightDOGDOC KYLE 8 TP 1 IN A DRIVE DRIVESurll DRTVESurpririeSurll In lIanU Ilandlssc3s > far f r Three TltreeearoIIIII Threeearo1i1aearoIIIII tVli Vboft it IfIa IPavarito rlte L LGellt1em Lags LagsGentlemensGellt1em Gentlemens nH Race Gee to 1IMr 1IMrfon hiyasrIonIon 8 t to 5Hnrtl Da Day for the lI let lettors t turHtors urH to o Sulect Money Makers fakertlMpedal MakersiieclalMpedal to TIle Wathi cton heelS HealdBaltimlle heelSBakinuweBaltimlle IlL lay 4The 5prms 5prmsmeeting ipringmeetingmeeting of tb 1Iavtnd Jockey Club eo eoth ontheth PlmUeo track cam t to a close toGlly toGllyItIt w was qn of the m most In Ings ever held here The largest ci wd wdof d dofof the season witnessed the sport a deb debw I ich ichwasw was co The Mount Waahlngton Waahlngton8t1t WushlntonMteeeebue8t1t Mteeeebue and the eert for the Her Hertord 11crfordford Cup for gentleman riders ider were the thef thetcturenf tcturen tcturenAnlLtnd trtrAJDandaAJDanda H at I to i 1 W08 on Uatcent UatcentOVfl the event eventOverOver the Jwn Jump from u slant w the tJMlalsh theflns3tlalsh Cardigan e closed up well but butcould butsoulScould not get et to the wi wIahlpI 35 het hetby bcten bctenbyby a length JensthTbt lengthTheThe gentleman race wenUto 1fyperon 1fyperonthe ron ronthethe od favort favorite in the betting at J to toGallant toII Gallant made the ruming until tile tarn tarnt tarnInt In the stretch where 11 quit and Yml Ymlr y np npMrMr r Wright of this city Ity who had the themount themountmount oa the favorite rushed th old oldealDpa1paer oldcampaignercampaigner to the front and won ealY ealYIt eas y yItIt W was a hard day tn pick t e wllJn wionrg wionrgDOc I1I I1IDOcDOc Kyle at I to I won the ei race raceIn raceinIn a drive iD the stretch stretchA tlt18urpneA surprise was sprung In the bandap bandapfor 11211 11211fortbryearoldfortbryearold for threeyearold and uPward at 1 me meUe memilemile Ue and sixty yards In Whct7 TIle elL IIfi IIfiat enatat Ii to 1 defeated the heavily played p16redGbke playedduiiktGbke Onnqnk flight t Onaoaj OnaoajBWbt OrmonkaBightBight coed up a b big pp aftaiu and flnhi ned neditlwng d datitlwng at The CImrn heels IteeIThe heelsTbThe Tb summaries RJDmarlaPIII8I summariesPiiisrPIII8I AC15flnepesrelW 1SI sad sp spfi tllel tllelW1rfi W1r Wactior 35 tLks t t t 1 1U1 1weswes ll5sppssd U1 U lkuaesi i f to I 5 sued suedt 1IId 1IIdmt A m Qo 5 t t 3 thinS se13515 0 KMt DaiPtJ JIand Jhn7 L LMId ah ahassass nate 1inar MId ate ft ftMIIOOIQ esuMIIOOIQ aAC 15ACETweprirolSi Tw akII akII1U e351 be be bekmkm ce 1U DillMI f t to 1 1 wee Dalicra Dalicratea ien ientotea IJIiolaeIIarl S to 1 oeenad 151117 Itr t t1GtIIdIIria35 1GtIIdIIria sees third Thee t 14535 J1ad J1adJIaJIa 1544 0 PrtDfje PIvt Dish Rae t frO frOCamIiIIe rlhtteCamIiIIe tte end Jtia Ceabran D she aIIGIIIIIID ran ranT352DIIIIIID ASJf AcnHandiep l > lfte1earftla fDd ast utJ utJrardiL upmeme Mair raiSe lb CI JU U rdl rdlI id idII to o 1 1 wee Omeode RiPt UI tI J JGIuIaIJo Hesasis05 L s GIuIaIJo 1U t em even tLi tLiIJtIIII tioLIIJtIIII 1 0tfttiIa JIatiDe II 8aka Sak 1IbticIe 1IbticIeIWIa MItelsadsad Isemo Sells ale ua uaIOmmJ ranPO5T15IOmmJ IUCEJI IIIIt Wssh ate ate1tI plo ploshutshut = hpsre sad upward at see mike mikeAnseSiAnseSi U 115 Artbibihd U to 15 wee Vdesr1tI JIeCIa l to I I m tsedbo ur 1 lInen tJlowtftleateat Ie 550w third The t 4i1 Ustp Plepsa end IIDIIlID endGraeetkGraeetk lID ru Sort tcaI Stce ten ItlLJr tenp35T15Jr IUCHerlt ea tIlllI6 threeparslat Jell 11IM an ananI andapwandapwand anI uilla t mtn riders tar fle By Byperiaa Wrpeetesperiaa 35 Uk Wrilbtl Wrht f to tt ma QaIkat UI 115Mi111 5tdi1 I to 1 tu the place ariaS BW BWwalk liiiweekwalk 35 Mr Heetesal oat to r tI TilDe1 135 The Cridra Cridra81XTK ate ran ranSIXTHSIXTH II 15ACVTbasteai cTJaawJ lde sad ppmssd is isisp J JIIiisp ahe asS IIi pasSe 15pSewsy 151 45 L In Intia 1r 1rtintin r to 1 I we Wvnbn 1U ILU men to totile 1 1tbetile atomS JreIUe n MI oa oaI 4 u uaI to show datnI TIeDe t 1 lZ hil Sepia 8011cn SepiaPainePaine Sodi cn Gnftflll loses CI knight knightVlpeflee t tVjperWVjperW IdO B soul Issabes aho ran ranUVDTII seaaivannUVDTII AClhne RtCgTbreporal ned ppward ppwardaelbo ud udIteaelbo Ite fla535 Doe Ibk St 4C XmiaJ XmiaJtop to 1 UIII t Ito to I ma Unet 15 IA L 1IuttD J 3tc 3tcI tr1 sad eisa aimS St 1 3e ill C 41k s tc taI1 I tI Thee I 135h 8Ht 8HtLIttle e lisshsJf Oneaeiu OneaeiuUtileLIttle Stat I JisS x Maint oDu aDd aDdiIarit andBI1iIarit BI1 else elseltsrcmakeiIaritJt4NLIHtkJt4NLIHtk CU C11ue filiaL t Chit ChitW ChitVa15 I Thi W Wtbiiss Usoald UsoaldLaalngtcetLaalngtcet Va Kay 4Yiraa VIiII 1Iu 1IubuT MiiitarybuT 1utituta defeated RMIIOIre College Collegethle Collegethisthis afternoon Only tWMrtylllae men menfaeed menfacedfaced Deviult 01 the cadet t team aDd thE thEbeblnd theonesones behind him played 1I1thw wftk an error errorPoII errorFoIlocPoII FoIloc drove GOt a prtr triple trtiIe and nndeott andScottScott made a seimatlesal I catch Iathe In the liSt liStInAIDIr I sI sIInningInning for V 35 I For tile yWton yWtonMooretn pisitorsMoorelnMooretn center field aadBlJrt sndBurssae at atthird althirdthird excelled ScoreLB LBCdIIIIr nnu nnuImIm CdIIIIr S S S I I S I t SI 1 1V 1 1V1SIV V1SI J IlllSS3Sx151 IlllSS3Sx151b1MnQlae 1 1 J I C Cab1MnQlae a O d 0Mt Dn DrrauS DrrauSemietemiet1er iJk Aj19 I7Ut A51 II1 1rr1rr1 rr1jiIjiI lL I I4IZ5OL4IZ5OL ne rawe amITE HE advance advancestyles advancesty1esspringstyles sty1esspring sty1esspringI spring springandI and summer designs designsKirschbaumKirschbaum suits suitsGet suitsGetGet your outfit now and have havethe havethethe use of your clothes through throughthethe entire season seasonKirschbaum seasonKirschbaurnKirschbaum clothes are a bit bitahead bitaheadahead in the matter of fashion fashionThey fashionTheyThey stay in style longer on onthat onthatthat account accountThe accountTheThe new shades and fabrics fabricsLook fabricsLookLook for the Kirschbaum Kirschbaumlabel Kirschbaumlabellabel Prices 15 to 25 25For 25ForFor sale by reputable dealers dealerseverywhere dealerseverywhereeverywhere1 11TiS1Ti

Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release v4.8 With Crack


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